Well I think we can officially say that the Watchtower corporation is in a liquidating phase of their 140th+ years of doing business, you can only cry wolf for so long eventually nobody wants to hear or read their way behind the times worthless bull shit. They are losing their grip with reality, and have only old senile men making all the financial decisions. So I don't think they will do anything useful with what they now have on hand, so expect blunders.
I would be very surprised if those in control of the money know what to do with it to keep the corporation alive for very long. Being so in denial and full of wishful thinking expect a lot of vulnerability and grasping at quick fixes and straw. Not to mention their tremendous worry about multiplying child abuse lawsuits around the world, crack downs on the extremism by Russia, I would say these guys plates are full. And look at tight pant Tony buying shit loads of booze for him and his wife Max who paid for that? I'm sure he's not the only one on that illustrious Govern' Boobies.